Friday, February 25, 2011

A Phone Call can make your day "Unusually" :-) Happpppyyyyyy :-)...

I had this bad accident last night. A terrible one by my means. I was returning home from my college festival at 10 in the night. My sister had this awesome presentation the next day, somom and dad both were helping out. As i was on my way back, a call came saying - Brother you have to get me a box of rice for tomorrow. I never had a habit of saying a NO and especially to my family. That night i had to go to a friends place, a little alcohol plan with him after ages. I dont know why he has been ignoring me and my problems from a while now and we never had cleared out about them. I thought it as a good opportunity to sit and relax with him and have a long chat, but this sudden call from my sister made me change my plan. I dropped my laptop at his place, ensuring that i will be back in a while and raced for the food shop, which was on the verge of closing. "2 boxes of Rice" I ordered the cashier and there they were. Smelling so tasty that my mouth was full of water, anticipating the tasty food. I put on my helmet, started my bike and the next moment i was back on the road, rushing towards home.

They say "Empty mind a devils workshop", and there cant be a bigger devil  mind than that of mine. I have this very wild thinking, in which i think of extremes and having a habit of running away from life from a few months, i was thinking about my death while riding the bike. Zooom i went past the next truck, but now humming a song. I wasent thinking about it anymore. "10  9  8" said the timer on the red light as i took a right turn, which was about to bring the worst of feelings and first time experience to me.

It had drizzeled just an hour back, when i was enjoying the dance in the rain. At that time i never thought that the roads will be slippery too. ZoooOOOom i went past the house on the main road, which i always admired. I was at not more than 60kmph, when i saw a car standing right in the middle of the road, trying to take a right turn. Since then i dont know what happenned, but the next moment i was slidding all over the road with my bike and in a moment, i rolled of the surface and was lying on the road. Bruised elbows and knees and cuts all over the body alongwith a broken bike was me at 11pm. I called up dad and asked for help. He took me home.

I donot have a habit of publicising an accident like this, but i wanted someone to care, so i messaged a friend. She called back and i was feeling much better that atleast someone in the world cared, counting my mom, dad and sister out. Been so habitual to share my thought with her, i didnot knew what to do and whom to share with, so the thought in my mind of messaging her, i lied down in my bed and never realized when i slept.

I dream of her. Yes i dream a lot about her and again she came in my dreams, though my memorycant recall what it was. Waking up with the feeling of whatever i saw was a dream and "Welcome to Reality", i was again occupied with the thought of messaging her and telling the story...

8 o clock, 9 o clock, 10 , 11 and it was 12.22 when i finally decided to write a message to her.

"Hey.." i wrote, thinking the words i will write next. It took me full 30 minutes to think and gather strength to press the send button. I gathered guts and yes. Sending..... Sent! Now waiting for my friends in the lobby, who were angry and annoyed because i didnt tellthem about my accident, i got a call... It was her name flashing on the screen alongwith her beautiful display picture, which i had asked for when she went for her friends wedding. She was looking so pretty and i loved the way she was smiling in that. Looking at her eyes and not wasting much time, i picked the call. "Hello" was what i heard. I was ecstatic, zealed and mad to hear her again. it has been 3 months that i heard her last, and listening to her again was like a dream now. That was the call which made my day... I was unusually happy, smiling around and feeling good that i had a talk with her, though i know that she wont call back again, but that happy feeling of listening to her again and that temporary satisfaction of the heart that "SHE CARES", just a little bit though, just out of sympathy though, but she does, will drive happiness in me for a few days... I know that.... I am happy today.. very happy to have spoken to her....

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