Monday, November 22, 2010

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cafe Coffee Day..

This is my very first blog and this had to be my first post, and there is a very big reason behind it. I shall go by that later but for now i shall start off with this...

I was on the streets, roaming and trying to figure out that whats up with this world. My mind is always thinking, thinking of something crap. That crap sometimes proves to be useful and sometimes it is real CRAP! So yeah, just when i was roaming around on the streets thinking of some crap in my mind as I always do, this very attractive Cafe Coffee Day sign attracted my eyes. This has always been a usual hang out place for youngsters. Somehow it has that positive energy, that energy of the youth and youngsters that one could feel in their late teens or early 20's.The board says "A Lot Can Happen Over Coffee" and really a LOT can happen over coffee. Atleast it did in my life. Infact more than coffee it has been that plate of Chocolate Fantasy which has been irresistible and has been my favourite order. The waiter usually added that extra chocolate and a scoop of ice-cream on his own, which made it all the more irresistable, though at the time of bill it had a big hole in my pocket. Lol. That smell of coffee, that ambiance and those sofas, for which i always prayed before entering the shop, all was energetic. They had those big shelves which had choco chip cookies kept which even gave me thought of stealing of a tin or two. haha. Chit-Chatting there had fun of its own and really brought happiness in my life.

All this while I kept on describing the place but never mentioned my company with whom i was enjoying all this. It was a very special person of my life. The only one i ever loved. All these meetings there and hanging out there can be termed as my dates with her. It was a place i loved on a date, but dont know why. Maybe because there i had privacy of my own. No waiters to disturb, no people to stare. I could look into her eyes for hours and talk, laugh and live my life which has been attached to her all though since last three years. I love that place maybe because when sometimes from under the table i tried to hold her hand and there was no body to notice, or making that bite of chocolate mixed in ice-cream and making her eat with my spoon which was always uncomfortable for me anywhere else. Been the good time or bad time i have seen it all here. I have a habit of collecting the bills of the places of my dates, so that if i forget a particular special moment, looking the place and date on the bill remind me of those beautiful moments. And when i open my folder of bills, i find so many of them saying CCD.

Thats how i believe, a LOT happen over a coffee....